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The second place for the best Shotguns in Warzone 2 goes to the Bryson 890. The Origin 12 seems like a no-go at first glance. Initially, at least, it appears to have the least damage out of nearly all the Warzone shotgun options on paper, but the fact that it's a semi-auto weapon completely negates that. It has a big fire rate, and magazine, that means the low damage quickly stacks up thanks to how fast and constantly you can fire. it just pumps out rounds and as long as you're getting up close with the enemy and landing hits, that smaller damage per round suddenly isn't a joke. If you trust your aim, and ability to close the gap fast, then the Origin 12 can utterly dominate a one on one. So, lets go over my picks for the best loadout and DMZ meta in Season 6 for November 20238230 source.

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About author:
First Name, Last Name:Lester Brooks
Postal address:4957 Oakdale Avenue, Bartow, 33830, United States
Tropical zodiac:Sagittarius
Company:Belle Ladi
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